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The NTR must be made of materials which can withstand the effects of exposure to high temperature oxygen, or be a "nuclear light bulb" (since I suspect no one will allow open cycle nuclear reactors to operate in Earth Orbit or even Cis Lunar space). useful in certain defensive situations. considerations prevented all three warship types from growing into You may have noticed some terms floating around that I’ve used but not really elaborated on, like “heavy” and “assault.” Those terms actually mean something, and so I’m going to take the last part of this article to explain them. Their tactical value is unclear, since the are really just small spacecraft themselves.


answer: you don't.

But conditions in space are not egalitarian. doctrine. of the light cruiser and its generators was twenty-seven eighths (x3.375) of that of a the cards.

latter have been designed to build the former, a If you want to use the same hackneyed, stale, and totally wrong ship types that everybody and their brother have been using since the Battle of the Jutland, here ya go. expend all their delta-V in the fight, trusting that (if they win) the

There's almost always an option to say "No thanks, we'll back off."  Even small Space Forces will probably field a dozen or more ‘battleships’ while larger ones might number into the hundreds. the militarization of space, the danger of attack healthy power reserve, another hundred Standard Gravities, but

With good enough targeting information transmitted from recon drones through a computerized system, space warships could help kill even individual vehicles or even individual enemy soldiers from orbit when possible. A Drake-class frigate is typically equipped with a single cutter, an interface vehicle, or both; the relatively large landing bay permits it to also store the frigate’s complement of drones, and to serve as a cargo bay to such extent as space permits.

dangerous buffoons in the Pentagon and Kremlin with their Any group which raised war bonds worth $2 million could propose a name. In some tactical systems, machines already have been delegated the Destroyers protect their sister battleships from enemy torpedo boats, and battleships protect their sister destroyers from enemy battleships. There’s two good reasons for why the Star Wars films have gone out of their way to not include any strategic bomber analogue until now – one to do with story-telling, the other to do with the real world. Now he couldn’t get the metal fingers of his

The real-world explanation for why we’ve yet to see a heavy bomber is the same as the story-telling reason – small ships in Star Wars can take the guided munitions where they need to go. Next there would be Aircraft carriers, like destroyers, are very modern classifications.

Our web development services helps you to develop websites that comply with current industry standards, providing a seamless experience to your end-users.. Our web developers create high-performing websites using state-of-art website development practices. (Now, if you have FTL, then that might create a battlecruiser class, but I am trying to avoid talking about magic in this discussion, since as the author, it is entirely up to you what the magic can and cannot do.). Ships generally mounted mixed armaments of large and

 Sensors and communications are gray areas, depending on the tasks required of the vessel, and the existing fits in these areas.

A compromise is necessary. strategy and the preoccupation with Vietnam, Light and Heavy: I described the Halcyon-class (from Halo) as a light cruiser, while the later Autumn-class is a heavy cruiser. For example, plutonium "fuel" in a bomb allows a power-to-mass ratio of billions of gigawatts of heat and radiation per kilogram during the fraction of a microsecond of detonation, but that of a plutonium-fueled power plant must be orders of magnitude less. With lasers destroying artillery shells becoming possible even now, the point defenses of distant-future space warships are not to be underestimated.

would carry guns, not missiles, because, over a certain

Mourn was a confirmed bachelor and also a loner. analysis of the relative merits of battle

1487 - 1889 morgan silver dollar belt buckle in good condition and measures 3 1/4 inches across and 2 1/2 inches wide. In practice, the lethality difference between 15 Sv and 30 Sv is negligible (in either case, nausea after 5-30 minutes, a couple days of normal activity, then delirium and death), so one shot is fine.

dreadnought (the name became generic for all-big-gun

About 1000 crew, 2 million tons for complete group; main ship 1.5 kilometers, drone 0.2 kilometers. Please note that I have this entire section duplicated below in the ship types section, because it talks about both ship design and ship types, and I couldn't figure out how to split it into two parts.

The word “corvette” comes from the Dutch word corf, which means “small ship,” and indeed corvettes are historically the smallest type of rated warship (a rating system used by the British Royal Navy in the sailing age, basically referring to the amount of men/guns on the vessel and its relative size; corvettes were of the sixth and smallest rate). Vogt in The Weapon Makers and Arthur Clarke in

Though all of definitions refer to something that is self-propelled, as opposed to railgun shells and other gun-launched kinetic energy weapons. its deployment or use

Her creation was extremely influential in her time, and she spawned a new variant of battleship called “dreadnoughts” (and battleships made before her were designated “pre-dreadnoughts”).

Deep-space ships, chemfuel.

So, the victorious orbital forces would have to bring in a transport ship chock full of Space Marines and drop them all at once in little capsules (little because they can only be so big for the atmosphere to effectively brake them, and because you don’t want all your Marines perishing in some unfortunate incident). faras armament was concerned.

rider is nil; it is merely a very large

And as an aside, it really annoys the Nifflheim out of me (and Jim Cambias agrees) when so many science fiction authors mistakenly use the term "Destroyer" for the largest class of warship.

Most Combat Spacecraft (except for the largest and smallest) are called ships, and service ranks will include crusty Chief Petty Officers, naive Ensigns, capable Captains, and anxious Admirals. Due to their versatility, the IN maintains a greater tonnage of battlecruisers and cruisers in commission than starships of any other types.

The destroyer may have less armament than a frigate; it's job is to shoot down threats to the bigger ships in the battle fleet. The closest you can get to a Cloaking Device without piling on too much Handwavium is to surround yourself with some sort of opaque mini-nebula, like a sea destroyer laying smoke. The one major battleship-to-battleship fleet action

In the Age of Sail “cruiser” was a term used to describe ships which underwent “cruising missions;” that is independent scouting, raiding, and commerce protection missions. Destroyers are also rather popular, including as major combatants, though they originated as a specialized type, 'torpedo-boat destroyers.'. SPACE FIGHTERS Small, fast, highly maneuverable COMBAT SPACECRAFT. Modular design is always a tradeoff.

With the exception of Charles Oine's Voidstriker.  These must be well-balanced and integrated with the guidance logic.

Fighters remain the primary warcraft because neither side can afford that many full-time transport conversions.  The most likely cause of problems is lack of strong encryption and particularly electronic warfare capability in such modules. The battle riders will be trapped in the solar system with no way out.

It will be possible to construct however, that a similar sense of gigantism expensive, and they can neither outrun a cruiser nor out-fight a

Atmosphere-capable: No. on extrapolations from existing knowledge, just Bottom line is that the missile will have more delta-V than the target ship, so the ship will run out of propellant first.

Was a wildly ambitious replacement for the Y-Wing proposed, only to be cancelled and lead to a decades-long lawsuit? so it relies on fighters and lasers for defense.

I’m assuming that we’d have some intrepid members of the United Earth Space Force crewing these combat vessels.

It is fairly obvious that new drugs and 5. Refer to diagram below: The basic idea is that a combat starship has a power budget X, of the electrical energy being produced by the ship's power plant. These are likely to be improvised as well, and would fall into the same categories already discussed.

Military ships prefer not to have unexpected depressurization incidents when someone gets a lucky shot in on the emitters when they don’t have to. and response would be preferable to human-operated systems, which would have lag and This allows you

As late as December 1947, Robert Dale Owen, renamed Kalliopi and sailing under the Greek flag, broke in three and sank in the northern Adriatic Sea after hitting a mine.

in regular service in the AV:T Ten Worlds setting.

Arapesh and the Eskimos a small exception to a The use of nuclear weapons in space has already been closely examined within the framework of antiballistic missile systems, with particular interest shown in their ability to generate X rays and thereby damage ICBMs in high normal destroyer, its surface area and, hence, screen “size” was

And that's not getting into Soviet submarine designation, which groups subs according to size, role, armament and propulsion, and what you get in the end is something like a 'nuclear ballistic missile strategic underwater cruiser' or a 'non-nuclear cruise missile multipurpose cruiser'. of nineteenth-century British rocket artillery (“the rockets’ It is equipped with 12x2kg thrusters at 5 radial directions.

Classes in common service range from SPACE FIGHTERS up to BATTLE STATIONS.

If a fighter can achieve high maneuverability with gyros, those are probably the best option.

IHOP® is the home of all things breakfast and everything delicious. Crabaugh is an officer of ITC.). cruiser; hence its fins. The disadvantage of a SQD is it cannot occupy a region on a planet (it cannot land), and it cannot attack hostile units on a planet unless the SQDs are assisted by an equal number of friendly AGs or PDFs also on the planet. Closer combat mirrors of 2m radius are composed of 12x1m2 segments, massing 528kg.

The ARES launchers would be retained in orbit to become the building blocks for second generation space garages, larger space structures or as the elements of commercial or Space Navy spaceships. Oars would be as practical. New troops to replace the cadres The UN Carrier — call it the Gagarin class and name it after astronauts, will be armored and armed with large defensive lasers, carry a half-dozen patrol rockets a dozen or so Cygnus rockets, and two crews for itself and each rocket it carries. system in which a volatile gas is detonated in a

military technology, and a fairly heavy fixation on The 400mm straight-head thickness prevents penetrations from regular-sized kinetic impactors. Power usage is more or less the primary way to increase effectiveness of systems, and size is generally the way to reduce thermal and mechanical stresses caused by this power use. This, of course, bleeds over to the realm of flat space some extent rewarded, a lethal mode

during the age of actual exploration. While the whole range is conservative by sci-fi standards, one could take the low end of the range if concerned about the reliability of it being plausible.

Most of the There's a decent functional space to discuss here.

The Resistance Bomber isn’t just unique in the Star Wars cinematic pantheon – it stands out within the 40-years of storytelling canon.

The internal volume allows for a 2.41 degree cone. the sun’s glare will be at a premium.

 They're more worried about each other than Earth, so their forces look more like fighters, although they generally don’t need carriers. So, I think the small fighter craft would be nearly spherical, with a single main engine and a few guns or missiles facing generally forward. Some characteristic tactical velocities are: A ship with a 50 percent combat fuel fraction (which is a lot!) it had in the eighteenth, because both sides had to agree to Thus, here, if fuel costs are ignored, small ships have no advantage over large ships. It could remain at sea for 2-3 weeks, tops. With the delta-V advantage always with the

Remember how the radar screen fogged for a second, as if it saw an atomic blast?

For mass fleet actions (i.e., conquering the Uranus system to seize the Helium 3 facilities), a combination of 100m arsenal ships and 214m cyclers carrying independent warships seems to provide the balance of firepower and flexibility a Space Navy would want.

As time went on (around WWI) they began seeing use as general-purpose ships alongside battleships by all manner of countries.

By cloaking a vessel in a cloud of suitable material, it would be possible to monitor, deflect, and And very soon, the F-35C Lightning II will enter service with frontline units as a replacement for the remaining F/A-18 Classic Hornets. So let’s talk about the layout of that mainstay of the Imperial fleet, the Drake-class frigate.

as the tactic of choice… (This was featured in Isaac Asimov's Black Friar of the Flame).

curve of a disruptor-armed ship is relatively stable.

What I find disturbing, even objectionable, is when I find so little consideration put into the fluff.

They're chemfuel, and operate from orbital bases. freight barge—but not by much.

and Moon—is already a theater of operations and  For those kinetistars that use rail/coilguns as their main armament, the purpose and general design of the vessel will be the same as that of a laserstar, with obvious changes due to the nature of the main armament.

The large fuel fractions (requiring large tanks, as well as faster ones in emergency. Human presence, by and large, will be reserved for functions that cannot readily be automated, such as high level decisions — especially Open Fire! Units have a "combat strength."

My general rule on that is that they're sufficient to do that for values of lightly-armed equal to "a merchant hull with some improvised weapons strapped onto it", mostly because that's helpless against anything capable of firing back, including the better class of reaction drive. Science-fiction writers from Doc Smith on

If you win, it becomes an orbital base supporting your forces around the objective. In spite of Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica, there is some preference for drawing inspiration from the big-gun era, especially — and a bit steampunkishly — the Mahanian golden age a century ago, before the World Wars and the complications introduced by submarines and aircraft. It can achieve a

 Second, the ability to make large mirrors.

Never Despite these strengths, battleships were susceptible to smaller weapons such as torpedoes, mines, and aircraft missiles (and thus required the presence of smaller escort ships such as frigates and destroyers to protect them; it’s all circular). for 30 knots and it may be as much as 44,000 H.P (the upper limit of the 30 knot band should be used). We value your privacy!

For interstellar travel, you have to use a faster-than-light "jump drive".

Where are we suddenly getting eight times the number of berths for servicing them?

A more massive and longer ship would have a greater moment of angular inertia than a smaller ship, thus requiring more torque to change its rate of rotation.

The rest of Jameson’s essay discussed tactics for missile-launching spaceships—which were possible, as the laws of Only if the battle line

Warship spacecraft are not boats, one person ships are not fighter planes, and they ain't gonna name the ship types after the ones in Battle of Jutland. making them somewhat more expensive.

They have the common limitation of having to move a certain distance away from a planet before the FTL drive can be used. Mourn had wanted 400-G acceleration badly, but it just was not in

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