turkey religion percentage 2021

The independent media site dokuz8HABER has been blocked multiple times, including during the reporting period. The decree also obliges telecommunications providers to enforce government orders within two hours of receiving them.4 Despite the fact that the state of the emergency is no longer in effect, the decree remains in force.5. In September 2021, the DVA received 6,661 applications for a driving test appointment. But for religious conservatives, the South Korean music has a bad influence on youth. Reuters. Türk Telekom, which is partly state owned,7 owns 371,000 of Turkey’s 413,309 kilometers of fiber-optic cable infrastructure.8, On September 30, 2020, the Ministry of Trade announced that ISPs must announce planned internet cuts two days in advance so users can plan accordingly.9 However, on November 18, 2020, a 40-minute domain name system (DNS)–based internet connection problem was observed in multiple cities across Turkey for around an hour.10 There was no news or explanation in local media, yet a backdated announcement was released in small local media outlets claiming the disruptions were caused by planned repairs.11. More than 200 online gambling platforms were blocked in Turkey between September 2020 and January 2021. New Capitalism in Turkey explores the changing relationship between politics, religion and business through an analysis of the contemporary Turkish business environment. In January 2021, amid the Boğaziçi University resistance, three students were detained after participating in Clubhouse discussions that criticized the ruling party (see B8 and C3). In this book, Emir Kaya offers an in-depth multidisciplinary analysis of this vital institution. Whether or not the board is using these investigations to shift public discussion is unclear.9, In March 2020, the Digital Services Tax number 7194 came into force requiring gaming, music, and video platforms, apps, social media platforms' paid services, and web platforms that allow sale of products or services to pay a 7.5 percent tax on their sales. This year’s report presents evidence that the absolute number of people who suffer from hunger continues to slowly increase. The report also highlights that food insecurity is more than just hunger. Defaming a public official carries a minimum sentence of one year in prison, while insulting the president is punishable by between one and four years in prison, according to Article 299 of the criminal code. The overall drop in people who described themselves as religiously conservative was 7%, down from 32% in 2008, and those who said they fast during Ramadan declined from 77% to 65%. Similar restrictions had also been experienced in previous years during Turkey's military operations in the north of Syria.23In the past, internet disruptions targeted the restive southeastern region, where ethnic Kurds comprise a majority of the population and Turkish security forces and military have actively fought the militant Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).4 In September and October 2016, internet services were shut down in 10 cities for six hours—affecting some 12 million residents—coinciding with the removal of 28 Kurdish mayors from their posts.5 During the shutdown, reporters had to travel to nearby cities in order to upload and share footage of police intervention against protesters.6 However, in 2019 and 2020 when elected pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) mayors were dismissed from their seats and replaced by appointed trustees in 45 municipalities of the 65 that the HDP had won, the government did not restrict connectivity. In 2018, the ratio of the population in the 15-64 age group (working age) increased by 1.4% compared to the previous year and was realized as 67.8%. Do restrictions on the internet and digital content lack transparency, proportionality to the stated aims, or an independent appeals process? Please join the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom ( USCIRF) for a virtual hearing that will consider how the U.S. government can advance international religious freedom through targeted sanctions. In January 2021, a tax on communications services and devices increased from 7.5 to 10 percent, impacting people's ability to afford internet access (see A2). Under Law No. At this point, the number of minority schools in Turkey has reached 62 increased since 2009 (Ministry of National Education Statistics in 2017/2018). (21) Although the Constitution of Turkey ostensibly provides for freedom of religion, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom's 2021 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom maintains that, "In 2020, religious freedom conditions in Turkey continued to follow a troubling trajectory. Similar to global social media platforms, popular Turkish websites are subject to content removal orders. The government has attempted to control the online information space, claiming that misinformation is rampant and encouraging users to rely on government-issued information or use state-funded verification platforms.

2021 National Data Release Calendar . According to Article 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Law, “Those who make propaganda of a terrorist organization by legitimizing, glorifying, or inciting violent methods or threats” can face prison terms of one to five years. Exxen has been pushed by the government as a domestic alternative to Netflix.10, In January 2021, Facebook’s messaging and voice over internet protocol (VoIP) unit WhatsApp announced a service update to resolve privacy issues.11 Following the announcement, a social media campaign promoted Turkey's local app called BiP to replace WhatsApp; experts have warned the app does not respect user privacy.

The law includes clauses that curtail citizens’ right to assemble both offline and online and authorizes the government’s appointment of trustees to rights-focused NGOs.12 Over 600 NGOs signed an online petition and initiated a widespread social media campaign against the bill. Clubhouse requires real name registration, and authorities were able to access the social media accounts and private information of dissenters in order to detain them. These are comprised of Christian denominations (Greek Orthodox, Armenian Apostolic, Syriac, Chaldean), Judaism, Yezidism and various others. There are at least four internet exchange points (IXPs) owned by private companies. 54% of the population is male and 46% is female. Found inside – Page 130As stated by the Pew Research Center, the Muslim population in Europe was approximately 4.9 percent in 2016 and its projection for 2020, even considering hypothetical massive numbers of migration, barely surpassed ve percent.1 Despite ... The rate of employment for men increased by 0.1 point  and 65.7% for women and 0.5% for 29.4%. President Erdoğan’s AKP has ruled Turkey since 2002 and after initially passing some liberalizing reforms, they have shown growing contempt for political rights and civil liberties. For example, polygamy was made illegal in China in 1950, in France at the end of the 20th century, in . Increasingly, Americans are choosing post-mortem options other than traditional burial, including cremation and "body composting.". In December 2020, legislation titled “Preventing the Proliferation of Financing Weapons of Mass Destruction” was passed, ostensibly to prevent the financing of international terrorist networks.

Photo by Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90. The European Court of Human Rights ruled on March 11, 2020 that these actions amounted to free speech rights violations, and on October 28, 2020 the blocking order was lifted.17 However two days later, the Gölbaşı Court of Peace issued another blocking order for news outlets and social media accounts—not including Sendika.org—that had only received renewed access two days before.18, Appeals to content restriction decisions are rarely effective. After politician Gergerlioğlu was convicted of terrorism propaganda charges for sharing a news article on Twitter, MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli targeted Gergerlioğlu on social media, calling on police to “put him on the street and kick him out of the parliament,” offering to pass legislation to enable police to act (see C3).7, Criminal gang leader Alaattin Çakıcı threatened to kill opposition CHP’s leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu on his Twitter account, after Kılıçdaroğlu criticized Bahçeli. There were between 3 and 4 million Christians in what is now Turkey—around 20 percent of the total . The obligatory references to the US and Turkey as NATO "allies" and "partners" increasingly fall flat, as bilateral relations may be approaching the breaking point over differences on Russia and Syria. Great majority of the Turkish Nation are Muslims (99%).

The percentage-point change for many of the questions is not dramatic: Respondents identifying as "pious" slid from 13 percent in 2008 to 10 percent in 2018, and those choosing "religious" dipped . Are websites, governmental and private entities, service providers, or individual users subject to widespread hacking and other forms of cyberattack?

On a similar note, NBC previously published a piece titled, "Turkey Social Media photos promote harmful obsession with meat" in 2019, urging Americans not to post pictures of their turkey dinners . Blocking of online content, particularly news and citizen journalism, has increased in recent years. There are no laws that specifically criminalize online activities like posting one’s opinions, downloading information, sending emails, or sending text messages. Many journalists, activists, and ordinary citizens faced arrest in retaliation for criticism of the war in Syria and other government policies, as well as expressions of Kurdish identity. Benny Morris and Dror Ze’evi’s impeccably researched account is the first to show that the three were actually part of a single, continuing, and intentional effort to wipe out Anatolia’s Christian population and create a pure Muslim ... 6532 (see C6) from 2014 enables the MİT to intercept and store private data on “external intelligence, national defense, terrorism, international crimes, and cybersecurity passing through telecommunication channels,” without procuring a court order.2 The law also limits MİT agents’ accountability for wrongdoing. Since Erdoğan's first term ended ahead of schedule, he is eligible for a third term, and could hold office through 2028 if he is reelected again. In addition, access providers must file the data together with a time stamp and assist and support the TİB (now the BTK) in monitoring internet traffic. What Turkey Did to Its Christians.
These networks have thousands of members who organize on messaging channels such as Telegram and Facebook.10 In May 2020, Operation Ebabil announced that they managed to restrict the Twitter account of the main opposition party’s chair Canan Kaftancıoğlu.11 Authorities targeted members of the Anonymous Movement, detaining the movement’s leader Taylan Kulaçoğlu that same month.12 Police detained 24 people for their involvement in the movement during a September 2020 raid (see C3).13, In June 2020, the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure announced that Turkey is ready to combat cyber-riots through the “Anti Cyber Riot Squad,” a group of 4,040 experts and engineers that are equipped with the latest technologies and tasked with guarding the “Digital Fatherland.”14 The same month, the Minister of Interior also announced the formation of the “Cyber Crescent,” another unit meant to combat online crimes.15 In May 2020, the AKP's deputy chairperson responsible for publicity and media relations, Mahir Ünal, created an initiative that marks social media users with “ethical use” and “national user” designations by adding a green dot and Turkish flag next to their usernames.16 Of the 10,000 profiles that would fall into the ethical user and national user categories, most shared progovernment content, laying bare the mechanism’s potential to pressure and suppress freedom of expression.17 Since the initiative began, users with green dots have harassed and threatened women journalists, artists, and politicians (see C7).18, Coordinated inauthentic behavior online is a problem in Turkey. In January 2021, a Post Management System was initiated as part of e-government portal where citizens can monitor the approved list of institutions to receive SMS or e-mail communications, introduced to combat spam messages from companies and protect private data.15 However, unauthorized spam messages remain a problem for millions of users. In April 2021, before the International Workers' Day, the General Directorate of Security issued a directive banning citizen journalism or recording of protests, likely to prevent online criticism of the police's excessive use of force. The country is a unitary state.It is the only Muslim country without the state religion. Why Cemeteries Matter. Criminal cases were carried out against those who posted undesirable commentary on social media, and the threat of online surveillance, harassment, and criminal penalties has contributed to the growing practice of self-censorship among internet users in Turkey. Trust and the Islamic Advantage: Religious-Based Movements ... In Localizing Islam in Europe, Yükleyen brings this adaptation to light, demonstrating how Islam and Europe have shaped one another and challenging the idea that Islamic beliefs are inherently antithetical to European secular, democratic, ... Censorship of prominent local news sites, as well as government influence on reporters’ coverage, make information-gathering even more difficult in the Kurdish-majority southeastern region. 671, published in 2016, amended the Law on Digital Communications to authorize the government to take “any necessary measure” on the grounds of “national security, public order, prevention of crime, protection of public health and public morals, or protection of the rights and freedoms” guaranteed under Article 22 of the constitution.

Pakistan can benefit from Turkey's experience in e-governance and the two countries have "no option than to further develop" bilateral relations, the science and technology minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province, Atif Khan stated. Diyanet has seen its budget balloon in recent years: back in 2011, the body had 3 billion Turkish Lira ($339 million, €290 million) at its disposal, in 2021 its budget has grown to 12,9 billion . Today, Jews are well known for their comic abilities, and according . Do the constitution or other laws fail to protect rights such as freedom of expression, access to information, and press freedom, including on the internet, and are they enforced by a judiciary that lacks independence? The proliferation of restrictive laws has further formalized censorship in the country. The law further includes registration requirements for social media companies, forces platforms to remove content within 48 hours, and has troubling data localization provisions (see B2, B3, and C6). Accordingly, the President decides on which languages and dialects will be educated and instructed in Turkey. The July 2020 Social Media Regulations Law compels social media companies with over one million daily users to open in-country offices with a local representative. Young people likely to challenge Islam and see themselves as less religious than previous generations, Last modified on Thu 30 Apr 2020 08.58 BST. Social media platforms also provide an important source of independent news. According to the Turkish government, 99 percent of the population is Muslim, approximately 77.5 percent of which is Hanafi Sunni. Table: Muslim Population by Country | Pew Research Center Turkish Culture - Religion — Cultural Atlas The BTK oversees and establishes the domain-name operation policy and its bylaws. How the country came to view religion as a threat to national identity. While all public-use internet providers are expected to take measures to prevent access to illegal content and store internal internet protocol (IP) distribution logs, commercial providers must also receive permission from the local authorities, use a content-filtering service approved by the BTK, and keep accurate daily records of internal IP distribution logs using BTK-supplied software, which must be stored for a period of one year. The law has facilitated a crackdown on government opponents, such as the Gülenists.3 The 2016 coup attempt, which the Turkish government claims was organized by the Gülen movement, prompted a wave of surveillance as part of a broader purge of individuals with alleged links to banned groups.4, During the COVID-19 lockdown, the Ministry of Health initiated a “Life Fits in Home” application for mobile devices to inform the population on the latest developments regarding the virus, to track infection rates geographically, and issue urgent notifications regarding new measures. After a two-year strained relationship between the Turkish Board of Competition and Google International LLC, in February 2020, the government fined Google 98,354,000 liras ($12,559,400) for abusing its dominant position in the digital search market in Turkey.5 During the investigation, Google had warned that financial sanctions from the authorities would force Google to stop supporting the Android operating system in Turkey, which comprise 90 percent of all smartphones sold in the country. All data must be made available to the BTK upon request; no court order is required. Uzay Bulut is a Turkey-born journalist and political analyst formerly based in Ankara. In comparison, only four people were investigated under the article in 2010. Section I. When Turkey's internal migration statistics are examined, 27,906,368 people were relocated between 2007-18. Throughout the reporting period, progovernment troll networks and media outlets led smear campaigns against independent media organizations, calling them “funded media” or the “crony army,” to counter descriptions of state media and its manipulative content.8 In July 2020, Twitter suspended the Pelican network account, a progovernment social media network that harasses and targets independent media and in-country opponents of the AKP.9, Progovernment trolls often attack independent media and human rights group, including the “Anonymous Movement”—a network of volunteers that create social media campaigns to demand the release of political prisoners and journalists, promote rights and liberties, and target accounts that belong to government sponsored troll networks in order to flag and close them.

Dündar, who was the previous editor-in-chief of the opposition online newspaper Cumhuriyet, was originally arrested in November 2015 for his reporting on Syria. There were 458 operators providing information and communications technology (ICT) services in the Turkish market in the third quarter of 2020, down from 460 the previous year.2 TTNET, founded in 2006 by Türk Telekom, is the dominant player, with a market share of 66.08 percent of digital subscribers in 2020, a big increase from the previous year.3 In recent years, regulators have sought to shut down inactive ISPs that don’t provide any business but exist in name only. The episode had caused strained diplomatic relations between the US and Turkey when it aired in 2017.15 Additionally, it was reported that the RTÜK pressured Netflix to cancel a local production of the Love 101 in Turkey due to the inclusion of an LGBT+ character in the series.16 The content of the series was altered—removing the gay character—upon orders from RTÜK, even though the RTÜK is only authorized to regulate content after publication.17.
Turkey exports for was $0.00B, a 100% decline from 2020. This launched an LGBT+ hate-campaign on social media that led to police raids against the students’ homes and on campus. The best country-by-country assessment of human rights. The human rights records of more than ninety countries and territories are put into perspective in Human Rights Watch's signature yearly report. As of 2020, the progovernment news site CNN Turk Online was the most visited news outlet in the country, followed by the websites of NTV Online, Sondakika.com, and Hurriyet Online—also progovernment outlets.1 Turkish internet users rely on online publications for reliable news, despite the country’s restrictive legislation and environment of pervasive self-censorship. The rights of the non-Moslem minorities are secured with the Lausanne Peace Treaty (Lozan Barış Antlaşması) and they are allowed for establishing their own temples and the religious services of these minorities are regulated by their community. Users were particularly concerned that the company’s compliance would subject its broad podcast archive to government censorship demands.7, Under rules established by the BTK in 2011, ISPs offer “child” and “family” filtering options, though the filtering criteria have been criticized as arbitrary and discriminatory.8 The child filter obstructs access to Facebook, YouTube, Yasam Radyo (Life Radio), the Armenian minority newspaper Agos, and several websites advocating the theory of evolution.9 Internet access is filtered at primary education institutions and public bodies, resulting in the blocking of a number of news sites.10 In June 2020, The Minister of Family, Work and Social Services announced that 587 harmful sources, including websites and social media accounts, were blocked because they contained content deemed harmful to children.11, Online independent media platforms continued to grapple with government-initiated blocks during the coverage period, while several other government-linked companies successfully appealed the blocking of dozens of their articles (see B2). Turkey′s Diyanet religious body threatens secularism ... of which 99.8 percent is Muslim; an estimated 77.5 . Islam is the largest religion in Turkey according to the state, with 99.9% of the population being initially registered by the state as Muslim, for anyone whose parents are not of any other officially recognised religion and the remaining 0.1% are Christians or adherents of other officially recognised religions like Judaism.

According to Speedtest, Turkey ranked 53rd globally for mobile speeds, and 99th for broadband speeds in June 2021. For followers of the Hindu faith, this . 72 percent of the young who define themselves as "highly religious" do not trust the cults, the report has shown. According to the 2020 Inclusive Internet Index Report, 13 percent more men than women access the internet, which shows a 2 percent improvement from the previous year.

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turkey religion percentage 2021